Talk One

Too often dreams die in the face of despair and ambitions are crushed by inaction. But what if more people were willing to endure temporary discomfort, sacrifice their pride and take bold steps toward their goals? The results could be ASTONISHING and who doesn’t love ASTONISHING?
Brian Sexton delivers a powerful message about overcoming adversity and thriving amid uncertainty. By tapping into lessons learned from more than 30 years in professional football where victory and defeat are often just a moment apart, he'll show your team how to face life’s challenges with the same elite focus and determination that drives champions.
Talk Two

In the competitive world of sales, dreams can quickly fade under the pressure of rejection and ambition can stall without decisive action. What if your team embraced temporary discomfort, set aside their pride, and boldly pursued their sales goals? The results could be truly ASTONISHING – and who wouldn’t want that?
Join Brian Sexton as he delivers a powerful message specifically for sales professionals about overcoming adversity and thriving amid uncertainty. Drawing on over 30 years of experience in professional football, where victory and defeat can be separated by a single moment, Brian will equip your sales team with the elite focus and determination needed to tackle challenges, close deals, and achieve remarkable success.